Second Hand Office Furniture

When it comes to managing your office, one of the biggest problems can revolve around furniture. For example, are you trying to get rid of some second hand office furniture? Then you are not alone. COVID-19 has forced many companies to re-evaluate their need for an office, or to look at the extortionate cost of office rental. If your business has chosen to move to a new office or do away with the office entirely, though, you still have to handle all of that office furniture.

In this case, what should you do if you wish to handle the problem? What can you do to handle second hand office furniture?

There are several ways to deal with this issue. Let’s take a look at some of the most effective ways to get around that massive collection of office furnishing that you need to deal with ASAP.

Selling Off Your Old Second Hand Office Furniture

The most common solution is going to be selling off that old furniture. You could see it through agencies, through companies that sell furniture themselves, and through third party platforms like eBay. The solution you take might depend on how much you have to sell, and how much you are looking for per sale.

If you want to maximise value but take the time, then you should try to sell each piece of your second hand office furniture one-by-one, sold individually or in small batches. This allows for you to maximise the money that you make back on the long run.

However, this also means spending the time managing the sale of each item. Sometimes, it’s better to auction it all off in lots or sell it to a furniture company who can then repurpose the items and sell them on themselves.

Exchanging Second Hand Office Furniture May Also Be Possible

However, you don’t need to stick to the process of selling second hand office furniture alone. Many companies will look to do deals with you, offering part-exchange or full-exchange. This is very useful if you want to modernise your office. You can then use all of that second hand office furniture towards buying up some new stuff to help offset the cost of a renovation.

At the same time, you might just find that your office has to be developed form the ground up. By exchanging furniture to a seller, they can then offer you some kind of compensation that is useful. Instead of losing valuable time and money on furniture that is still in good condition, you can instead keep things nice and simple. Second hand office furnishing can often fetch a better value if traded-in than sold outright, though, so keep that in mind.

Gift It To Charity

If your company is moving away from being an office business, then you might not need any new furniture. In that case, if your company can afford it, you could donate or gift your second hand office furniture to a charity. While it makes your company nothing back, if you aren’t able to invest time in recycling then this can make a lot of sense.

It also helps you to feel good, knowing you have helped out a charity. At the same time, you could find a local business and ask them if they would like to choose from the available furniture that you were going to dispose of anyway. If your business is not looking to make some kind of profit back on the second hand office furniture, then you can do a fine moral deed and trade it away safely.

Get The Furniture Removed

Of course, sometimes your second hand office furniture is not really in a condition to sell on, exchange, or auction off. With that in mind, you might wish to look for help from an office clearance service. They can come in, take a look, find the issues with the furniture, and take away anything that is unlikely to hold value.

This is useful if you have used all of your office furniture to the point of no return and want to make space for a shutdown or a renovation. Take this option as your ‘nuclear option’ though, in that most of the time you can make something back on that office furniture.

The most difficult challenge you are going to face, then, revolves deciding what to do. If you want to make a profit, sell it on or exchange it with a office furniture clearance company. If you wish to get rid of the furniture without compensation, you could hire a service providing just office clearances instead.

Don’t settle for second best – shift that furniture and make your day-to-day life that little bit easier!

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